Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[X148.Ebook] PDF Download Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk

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Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk

Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk

Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk

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Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk

Thou Shalt Not Kill

  • Sales Rank: #1182969 in Books
  • Brand: Popular Library
  • Published on: 1990-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.00" h x 5.00" w x 1.50" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Great product!

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
will keep you reading
By stephanie queen
This book is based on the true story of John Emil List, a mild-mannered accountant and religious zealot who cold-bloodedly slaughtered his entire immediate family execution style in 1971. The author states that she "novelized" this book and that is obvious. But the facts are shown albeit with a lot of "padding", information she couldn't possibly have known, such as conversations within the family, etc. Still, having researched the story, I found this book to be truly entralling. List was a Mama's boy of the first degree. Born to a woman who married her own cousin's father, they were devout Lutheran German immigrants who lived in their own world in Michigan. Mother List, (it was her maiden name AND her married name), never let young John, her only child, be a boy or a man, for that matter. His dysfunctional childhood and upbringing almost certainly played a large part in what he did to his family. His wife, who had been married before to a soldier who died in the Korean war, had contracted syphilis from him. She met John as a lonely and very bereaved widow. She was John's first and only love. They married and had three children together, Patricia, John Jr. and Freddie. Helen, (John's wife), had a daughter, Brenda, from her first husband. She was very unhappy, especially when Mother List lived with them, and Helen knew how much her mother-in-law disapproved of her. Helen slowly began to lose her health and her mind due to syphilis of the brain. In this book, she is portrayed as a pretty much worthless person, bad wife and mother. But the woman was very ill. John would mow his lawn in a suit and necktie. An extremely eccentric man, his neighbors soon learned to just let them alone. He was a veteran of World War 2 and Korea, he was highly educated and intelligent. But he lost job after job, because of his inability to have relationships with people, he was truly a "cold fish", almost a robot. When they bought an old mansion in Westfield, N.J., (with the help of his mother's money), he continued to get fired from his jobs. He held the position of vice-president of a major New Jersey bank for a while, but lost that too. Faced with three teen-agers in the age of Aquarius he felt he had lost all control, and control was something John List had to have. He couldn't control his wife, who was going insane, he couldn't control his 16-year-old daughter, who was taking acting lessons, dressing as a hippie and embracing the occult, and he had gone through all his mother's considerable amount of money, (she was living on the third floor of the dilapidated mansion),he came to the conclusion that to save them all from the certain entrance to eternal hell, he made a plan and kept it. He shot his wife in the head in the kitchen as she drank her morning coffee. Then he went upstairs and shot his 85-year-old mother. As his children returned home from school, one by one, he executed them as well. He was very methodic, made extrodinary plans, such as having the mail and newspaper stopped, sent notes to the kid's schools claiming they would be out of state for a while, left lights burning in the house, and after placing the bodies of his wife and children on sleeping bags in the ballroom, YES, ballroom, he found his mother too heavy to move, so he left her upstairs where he shot her. He turned on macabre funeral music and got in his car and disappeared. He left letters for family members, friends and his pastor, to whom he confessed his crime, stating that it was God's will.The five bodies lay decaying for nearly a month before they were found. The neighbors noticed the lights flickering and going out one by one. Finally family friends checked on them and called the police. The man remained free for 18 years, remarried and took on a new identity, "Robert Clark". Thanks to John Walsh and the TV show "America's Most Wanted", and the extrordinary talent of forensic artist Frank Bender, who constructed a clay bust of what he thought John List would look like 18 years after the crime, a neighbor realized who he was, and he was finally arrested and given a life sentence for his heinous crimes. Incidentally, I'm 51 years old now, and if Patricia's father hadn't murdered her when she was sixteen, she too would be 51.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Thou Shalt Not Kill by Mary Ryzuk
By Linda Cappel
Ever wonder what is it that creates a monster? Genes? Environment? Life situations? This book presents arguments on many sides in an attempt to come up with an answer.

This is the true story of John List, who, in 1971, methodically, coldly and with great exacting premeditation killed his entire family, suited their bodies into sleeping bags and then lined these up in a row on his ballroom floor, turned the radio on high to a religious station and then fled his New Jersey home. No one missed the kids at school -- he'd taken the precaution of alerting their schools that they'd be out of state for a while. No one saw mail piling up outside the front door -- he'd stopped all mail delivery. The bodies lay decaying on that floor with only the neighbors questioning the eerie music emanating from the house at all hours and the lights within flickering and going out one by one over a period of an entire MONTH. In a month's time, there's a lot of hiding someone can do. John List eluded capture for eighteen years and were it not for the popular TV series AMERICA'S MOST WANTED that ran a piece on him, he might never have been found.

List was OCD and it was the pattern of perfectionism and inflexibility that drove him to be excessively moralistic, intractable, scrupulous and judgmental of others. He was a religious zealot raised in a dysfunctional household with an upbringing that caused him to seek and maintain a manic control over everything and everyone. Add to this brew, an inability to relate to people and job instability thereof so repeated unemployment, financial woes and stress of not being able to provide for his family and you see a man at odds with himself and the world. He was viewed an eccentric even by his neighbors and left alone.

He married a woman suffering from syphilis she contracted from her former husband and had three children with her. The wife was domineering and strong willed and butted heads with List's mom who ultimately came to live with them to help out financially. There was always tension between the two women and John resented it. He resented that his wife didn't do more around the house, despite that she was sickly. He felt overwhelmed with obligation and despair. By 1971, his wife's syphilis was in her brain and she was suffering irreversible brain damage.

John List felt trapped in a life that he saw as hopeless. He believed ruin was only a few weeks away with a mortgage due, bills he couldn't pay, no money in the bank and a family he felt was falling apart. His children were teenagers with independent minds that were straying from their strict religious upbringing. List had gone through all his mother's savings and there was no hope of salvation. He considered suicide but as a Lutheran, suicide was not an option so he devised to murder his entire family to save them from financial and moral ruin. This way, they'd all go to heaven and be saved the impending suffering he perceived for them on earth. He reasoned he might meet them in heaven this way at a later time.

While John List thought at any moment he'd be recognized by someone, it never happened. He grew a moustache, he laid low. He made sure he didn't get something as innocuous as a parking ticket. He didn't leave the country because he'd need a passport with a birth certificate. He never took a job that would require fingerprints. Nothing to draw attention to himself. He studiously blended in, folding himself into the very fabric of the country and got lost.

It's an amazing read. List settled in Virginia, eventually remarried and took on a new identity as Bob Clark, mild mannered accountant. Were it not for John Walsh and his popular show AMERICA's MOST WANTED and a forensic artist's dead-on clay bust interpretation of what John List probably looked like, he might never have been captured.

What I most like about the book is that the author, Mary Ryzuk, gives us reconstructed dialog from the courtroom, from former List friends and associates. Step by step actions and dialog as the FBI are closing in on him allows a feeling for the moment, to be on the hunt as he was finally apprehended. While obviously certain liberties are taken (she wasn't inside their heads as they thought, she couldn't be present for private conversations, naturally), the crime was carefully reconstructed based on all physical evidence and interviews with everyone concerned. Mary said not one incident portrayed in her book did not have the authenticity of events as remembered by people who lived through them and/or knew the List family personally.Thou Shalt Not Kill

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
thou shalt not kill
By Leonard Bolton
In my opinion the best book on the subject of John List.
Many people become authors without really being writers (e.g. Ann Rule) but Mary IS a writer -- you either have it or you don't -- and she has injected a sense of drama into this account. So although we know that she could not have been present for certain conversations, etc. it's clear where the literary license begins and ends -- and she makes the story, interesting, readable and exciting. She doesn't merely tabulate events she injects them with presence and drama which in reality they contained. So her musing is true in a sense.
You'll enjoy the book.

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Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk PDF

Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk PDF
Thou Shalt Not Kill, by Mary S. Ryzuk PDF

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

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Interpreta Tu Mismo Tus Suenos/ the Dream Book: Simbolos Para Comprenderte a Ti Mismo/ Symbols for Self-understanding (Spanish Edition)B

Book by Bethards, Betty

  • Sales Rank: #3262451 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Obelisco
  • Published on: 2007-01-10
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.14" h x .59" w x 6.16" l, .77 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 223 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Betty, who left us in 2002, was a renowned mystic who not only shared her gifts, but lived by them. She was an author, lecturer, teacher, and someone known as the "Common Sense Guru." Her teachings came with one proviso; That people would regard her merely as a teacher and not a crutch, and that they would take her teachings and run with them. Her mission was that everyone be their own guru. As such, she was a teacher of teachers and over the years, an inspiration for thousands of people all over the world. She even inspired well-known spiritual leaders in India who asked her how she knew what she knew. If you google Betty, you will see for yourself, how her teachings have had, and continue to have a profound influence on others. Betty's energy, charisma, and sense of humor were huge. She would stand on a stage and literally ignite each person in the audience so that they thought they were flying. Hence, Betty's theme line: Come to a Betty Bethards event. Fly home! People still fly through Betty's books and tapes. Her "The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding" is an international bestseller. Her "Seven Steps to Developing Your Intuitive Powers" is widely used by spiritual groups around the world.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

[M573.Ebook] Ebook Download XML Programming Success in a Day: Beginner?s Guide to Fast, Easy, and Efficient Learning of XML Programming, by Sam Key

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XML Programming Success in a Day: Beginner?s Guide to Fast, Easy, and Efficient Learning of XML Programming, by Sam Key

XML Programming Success in a Day: Beginner?s Guide to Fast, Easy, and Efficient Learning of XML Programming, by Sam Key

XML Programming Success in a Day: Beginner?s Guide to Fast, Easy, and Efficient Learning of XML Programming, by Sam Key

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XML Programming Success in a Day: Beginner?s Guide to Fast, Easy, and Efficient Learning of XML Programming, by Sam Key

XML Programming at its best!

Discover A Book That Tells You What You Should Do and How!

Instead of jumping right into the instructions, this book will provide you first with all the necessary concepts that you need to learn in order to make the learning process a whole lot easier.

This way, you’re sure not to get lost in confusion once you get to the more complex lessons provided in the latter chapters. Graphs and flowcharts, as well as sample codes, are provided for a more visual approach on your learning

You will also learn the designs and forms of XML, and what’s more convenient than getting to know both sides!

Want to know More?

Easy! Just Scroll up and click the “Buy” Button and you can have your own copy of XML Programming Success in a Day

  • Sales Rank: #441200 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-07-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .19" w x 6.00" l, .27 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 82 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Beware of false and numerous reviews of this book-- something ain't right here
By Pita Dragon
This is a very simple book with little information. Please note that most of these reviews listed here are bogus. I clicked on that last four reviewers and they had all reviewed the same books. Why would so many people even care about XML to write 259 reviews? It doesn't make sense. Please beware of these false reviews and don't spend $14 for this simple book.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Highly Recommended
By Corey Sanders
After learning quite a few programming languages such as Java, HTML, and a little bit of C++, I have found that this language does seem a little bit more complex, but I think that makes it all the better in my opinion. XML Programming Success in a Day written by Sam Key does get into a lot of detail through graph drawings, and perfectly explained directions.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Kindle Version on PC is useless, diagrams are not shown correctly
By Dr. Mabuse
Kindle Version on PC is useless, diagrams are not shown correctly, in a usefull way. Do not buy this book if you intend to read it on your PC using the Kindle app.

This doesn't say the book is bad. It's an Amazon/Kindle App problem on PC.

So i read a bit more. I think the book is really bad, all those good reviews here are bogus imo. The first 20 pages are written in an understandable way (so anyone checking the first pages gets the impression it is a good book). Then suddenly starting with chapter 3 the style changes completely and becomes confusing and unreadable. Suddenly nothing is explained anymore and the book becomes useless/worthless.

To summarize: Kindle version has presentation problems, and the book itself is unreadable after a good start. It's the first time i want my money back as i feel double cheated by Amazon (Kindle version, bogus reviews). Clearly i can't trust the reviews here anymore in the future.

I requested a refund.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

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Torn (Bound Trilogy Book 2), by Kate Sparkes

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Torn (Bound Trilogy Book 2), by Kate Sparkes

Aren Tiernal knows that safety is an illusion, that his cruel and powerful brother will never forgive his betrayal. Still, returning to Tyrea to challenge Severn for the throne would be suicide. It’s not until Severn himself comes to collect what’s owed to him that Aren decides to risk everything in an attempt to bring down the most powerful Sorcerer Tyrea has ever known. The mission seems doomed to fail, but it’s Aren’s only chance to save himself, his country, and the woman who thawed his heart.

Rowan Greenwood has troubles of her own. Though she should be a great Sorceress, years of being closed off from her magic have left her unable to control her incredible power. When a pair of ominous letters arrive from her home country, Rowan has to choose between her new life and a chance at saving her family—and just maybe changing an entire country’s beliefs about the evils of magic.

Torn apart by separate quests, Rowan and Aren will have to discover untapped strengths and confront their darkest fears in order to overthrow a ruler determined to destroy them both.

(Mature YA Fantasy)

  • Sales Rank: #10129 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-03-31
  • Released on: 2015-03-31
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Kate Sparkes is a fantasy writer who was born in Hamilton, Ontario. She now resides in Newfoundland, where she tries not to talk too much about the dragons she sees in the fog. She lives with a Mountie, two kids who take turns playing Jekyll and Hyde, three cats with more personality than most people she meets, and the saddest-looking dog on the planet.

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Even better than the first book! A definite page turner!!!
By Kathy Dunlavey
Torn, book two of the Bound trilogy is a great read!! I had wondered how author Kate Sparkes was going to follow Book one, "Bound", and not let the readers down. The novel she has delivered exceeded all my expectations.
While continuing to develop the characters introduced to us in book one, Kate Sparkes has created some new characters as well. Each of them fits perfectly into their place in the story and the world created for us in Bound. Once again, the story is told from the viewpoints of the protagonists Rowan and Aren, with the addition of Nox, who tells us the story as well. This is once again done masterfully each chapter and viewpoint carrying us along in the story with no confusion or repetitiveness.
The backgrounds of the characters are told enough for us to get to know each one of them without bogging down the story. Kate Sparkes creates a land and characters for her readers that truly comes to life. Without giving anything away, let's just say that the characters in Torn take the reader on a wild, colorful, imaginative ride that keeps the pages turning long after lights should be out!!!!

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
FABULOUS!!!! I'm blown away!!!
By Kelli
The first book in this series "Bound" was my favorite book of 2014 and also one of my favorite books of all time. I was so very excited to get the sequel "Torn" but couldn't help feeling a tiny bit concerned it wouldn't be as good as the first especially as sequels can sometimes feel like unnecessary filler just to propel the story forward to the final book of the trilogy. Happily "Torn" was just incredible. It surpassed all my expectations. I feel so hesitant to try to review it as I just LOVED it so much and it is hard to express without spoilers just how good it is. Do not start this book unless you have a lot of free time as it will drive you crazy to have to put it down. If I could have I would have read it in one sitting. First of all I love this authors writing, she writes beautifully. The characters she writes I have grown so attached to as they are all so wonderfully diverse and complex. They grow a lot in this sequel but they do not stray so far from their original personality or do things out of character that you feel like they've become devices just to move the plot forward. They are all just so well written that I've grown attached to them and invested in their stories. New characters are introduced in this sequel. My favorite of them is Florizel who is a flying horse. It doesn't get better than that! Nox is a great addition also, she really grew on me as the story went on and I liked the addition of her back story so we get an idea who she is. This author has created a really neat world for them that is expanded on in this book. The magic system is unique and it is especially fun as each character has their own set of magical capabilities which they access differently. This was such a truly great sequel. It tugged at my heartstrings, made me hold my breath and I wanted to enjoy every word while at the same time I wanted to speed read ahead. It is my favorite book of 2015 so far. If you haven't read this series and you like a great story with wonderful strong characters don't miss these books! If you are a lover of fantasy books this is a must read. I don't know how I will survive until the last book is released. I have never read a book twice but I'm going to listen to these books on audio to hold me over. These books are just that good!!!!

**I was lucky enough to receive a advanced copy of this book provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review**Thank you!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Kate Sparkes is Amazing!
By Pat
Loved this book. Great Followup to "Bound" (book 1 of the Bound Trilogy). It was especially gratifying to see the growth in both Aren and Rowen as they learn their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as learning more about the Merfolk (especially Kel),. We also meet new characters Nox and Ulrick. I like that Kate Sparkes writes characters that are entirely relatable as they grow in their awareness of themselves and those around them. Of course I also love the growing strength and commitment in the relationship between Aren and Rowen. (I should note that, although there is implied sexual encounters, I would still rate these PG.) Can't wait for book 3 of the Bound Trilogy, Sworn.

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Torn (Bound Trilogy Book 2), by Kate Sparkes PDF

Torn (Bound Trilogy Book 2), by Kate Sparkes PDF

Torn (Bound Trilogy Book 2), by Kate Sparkes PDF
Torn (Bound Trilogy Book 2), by Kate Sparkes PDF

Friday, September 23, 2011

[I942.Ebook] Get Free Ebook IELTS Practice Exams with MP3 CD, 3rd Edition (Barron's Ielts Practice Exams), by Dr. Lin Lougheed

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IELTS Practice Exams with MP3 CD, 3rd Edition (Barron's Ielts Practice Exams), by Dr. Lin Lougheed

IELTS Practice Exams with MP3 CD, 3rd Edition (Barron's Ielts Practice Exams), by Dr. Lin Lougheed

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IELTS Practice Exams with MP3 CD, 3rd Edition (Barron's Ielts Practice Exams), by Dr. Lin Lougheed

This newly updated second edition with MP3 CD prepares test takers for success on the IELTS, an English competency test that’s recognized by more than 9,000 organizations in over 145 countries. The program presents:

  • Six full-length Academic Module IELTS practice exams with answers and explanations
  • Six full-length General Training Module IELTS practice exams with answers and explanations
  • Audio prompts for all of the tests' listening modules
  • Sample responses for the writing and speaking modules

ESL students can increase their language fluency by using this book and MP 3 CD package alone, or they can use it along with Barron’s IELTS, Essential Words for the IELTS, and IELTS Strategies and Tips, all of which contain extensive practice and review for all of the IELTS test sections.

  • Sales Rank: #183394 in Books
  • Brand: imusti
  • Published on: 2016-10-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.80" h x .70" w x 8.30" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 464 pages
  • Barron's Educational Series

From the Inside Flap
Table Of Contents:
What Is IELTS?
How to Use This Book
Using the Answer Explanations
IELTS Study Contract
Self-Study Activities
Practice Test 1
Practice Test 2
Practice Test 3
Practice Test 4
Practice Test 5
Practice Test 6
Practice Test 1
Practice Test 2
Practice Test 3
Practice Test 4
Practice Test 5
Practice Test 6

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Looks promising and very useful.
By David
Haven't started this one yet, first I have to finish strategies and tips, but I'm sure it's as useful and helpful as Strategies and Tips of Barron's that I'm working on at present. I may update my review later on for this one.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

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Scrum Agile Software Development Master (Scrum Guide for Beginners), by Joseph Joyner

Scrum is a totally new way to come up with high quality projects. Scrum is defined as a network made of strategic, agile and flexible development techniques used by teams in software projects or products. However with the flexibility of Scrum it may also be used to improve project output in an actual setting. It may be adapted to so many different applications: at school, in business, in company projects and in community projects.

  • Sales Rank: #6332916 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-06-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .6" w x 5.98" l, .12 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 30 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
One Star
By demian kurejwowski
not even worthy. expencive book, they copy paste from scrum web page, no examples. not worthy.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By Laura Pekala
Good starter but very short

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Decent Intro To Scrum
By James G.
The book gives a brief and basic intro into scrum. In total the book only takes about 30 minutes to read.

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  • Sales Rank: #10076685 in Books
  • Published on: 1999
  • Binding: Paperback

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

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Strategic Intervention Handbook: How to quickly produce profound change in yourself and others, by Magali Peysha, Mark Peysha

Want to learn how to create positive shifts and transformations in the people around you - without them even knowing about it? Strategic Intervention is a new interdisciplinary practice for producing strategic change in individuals, couples, and groups. Mark and Magali Peysha guide you through 50 innovative strategies to be implemented by coaches or anyone who works with people. Whether you're a health care provider, teacher, manager, attorney, consultant, therapist, or another professional who works with people, you will find intelligent strategies that will make you effective in your relationships, communications, and your life.

  • Sales Rank: #49705 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-03-14
  • Released on: 2014-03-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

63 of 66 people found the following review helpful.
A Book About Creating Lasting Change
By Tobin B. Crenshaw
I was certified as a Strategic Interventionist a year and half ago. With Anthony Robbins and Cloe Madanes and Mark and Magali Peysha guiding the studies and coaching, the amount of powerful strategies offered was life changing for me and my clients.

This book is a gift, sharing some of the best strategies for eliciting human change you will find. For example, let me share just one, the ‘elevation strategy’. The idea is if you help others, you will in turn be helped.

Mark shared a powerful story during the training about a lonely woman who would not give up junk food, specifically cookies. The coach told her she could eat three cookies a day. If she had more than that she would have to bake a few dozen cookies and hand deliver them to a local shelter. After several days of failing to stop at three cookies, she found herself making several trips to the shelter with freshly baked cookies. After a few weeks the women at the shelter looked forward to the cookies, and this woman looked forward to baking and delivering them. This powerful strategy accomplished several things; first it led this woman to help people in need. Next, it led her to make new friends which eliminated her loneliness and in the end gave her a purpose outside of herself.

Her Achilles heel became an avenue to build relationships, serve others, make new friends, and in the end eliminate her desire to eat cookies which were simply an addiction covering up her pain of being alone.

This is the power of Strategic Intervention. It is an elegant way to help others push though barriers and find the breakthrough to the next level. Some coaches may have tried to uncover ‘why ‘she ate the cookies, Strategic Intervention is based on knowing the Six Human Needs people are meeting at some level at all times. It wasn’t the ‘why’ that was most needed, it was about taking action, the heart of Strategic Intervention and this book. Once this woman took action, the other pieces all fell into place.

The same will be true for you and your clients. Get a notebook to jot down what you learn, because as you read this gem you won’t just have this one strategy, but another 50 you can use to bring about positive and lasting change.

23 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
Love this book!
By Cloe Madanes
This book is a must read for every life coach, relationship coach, career coach and for everyone in the helping professions. The parent, the teacher, everyone who wants to improve their life will find invaluable lessons. The book is easy to read, clear, entertaining and full of humor. Enjoy!

11 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Strategic excellence
By Ken Keacher
Brilliance could be defined as; the ability to convey information in a way that is so honest and clear that we own the information just by hearing it.

Tony Robbins and his team are masters at that ability,

Here is the official handbook by the originators of what is now known as the global coaching revolution.

Could easily be the best $10 you ever spend.

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Strategic Intervention Handbook: How to quickly produce profound change in yourself and others, by Magali Peysha, Mark Peysha PDF
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Strategic Intervention Handbook: How to quickly produce profound change in yourself and others, by Magali Peysha, Mark Peysha PDF

Strategic Intervention Handbook: How to quickly produce profound change in yourself and others, by Magali Peysha, Mark Peysha PDF

Strategic Intervention Handbook: How to quickly produce profound change in yourself and others, by Magali Peysha, Mark Peysha PDF
Strategic Intervention Handbook: How to quickly produce profound change in yourself and others, by Magali Peysha, Mark Peysha PDF

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[H856.Ebook] Fee Download Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin

Fee Download Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin

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Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin

Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin

Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin

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Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin

Many books on stability theory of motion have been published in various lan� guages, including English. Most of these are comprehensive monographs, with each one devoted to a separate complicated issue of the theory. Generally, the examples included in such books are very interesting from the point of view of mathematics, without necessarily having much practical value. Usually, they are written using complicated mathematical language, so that except in rare cases, their content becomes incomprehensible to engineers, researchers, students, and sometimes even to professors at technical universities. The present book deals only with those issues of stability of motion that most often are encountered in the solution of scientific and technical problems. This allows the author to explain the theory in a simple but rigorous manner without going into minute details that would be of interest only to specialists. Also, using appropriate examples, he demonstrates the process of investigating the stability of motion from the formulation of a problem and obtaining the differential equations of perturbed motion to complete analysis and recommendations. About one fourth of the examples are from various areas of science and technology. Moreover, some of the examples and the problems have an independent value in that they could be applicable to the design of various mechanisms and devices. The present translation is based on the third Russian edition of 1987.

  • Sales Rank: #4651647 in Books
  • Published on: 1996-11-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .81" w x 6.14" l, 1.50 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 320 pages

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: Russian

From the Back Cover
This book is an introduction to the theory of stability of motion. The principal focus of the book is to present the most effective methods, such as the direct method of Liapunov, stability in the first-order approximation, and frequency methods, which can be used in studying stability issues. Other chapters are devoted to the treatment of nonautonomous systems, systems with periodic coefficients (including Mathieu-Hill equations), automatic control systems, and the effects of force type on stability of motion. These chapters also include relevant theorems which were proved for the first time by the author. The book contains many practical examples with detailed solutions from various areas of science and engineering involving both mechanical and electromechanical systems. Basically, the present book is written for graduate students in engineering; however, the required level of mathematics does not exceed that of a typical engineering undergraduate knowledge in calculus. The book should also benefit educators, engineers, and scientists who use the theory of stability of motion in their work.

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Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin PDF

Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin PDF

Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin PDF
Introduction to the Theory of Stability (Texts in Applied Mathematics) (Vol 24), by David R. Merkin PDF

Thursday, September 8, 2011

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The Europa World of Learning 2016From Routledge

Now in its 66th edition, The Europa World of Learning is one of the world's leading reference works. Updated to the highest editorial standards, entries are sourced directly from the organizations to ensure accurate and reliable information. The accreditation status of every university and college is verified before its entry is approved.

Every type of academic institution is covered, including over:

7,800 universities and colleges

5,800 research institutes

3,400 museums and art galleries

5,000 learned societies

3,600 libraries and archives

850 regulatory and representative bodies

Separate chapters for countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe each feature an introductory survey of the country's higher education system. A separate section covers international organizations concerned with higher education and scholarship.

Subscribers may download these online at alongside an archive of essays from past editions.

  • Sales Rank: #5983854 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 15.60" h x 9.00" w x 12.80" l, 15.20 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 3412 pages


‘If a library does not have The World of Learning it does not belong to the world of learning.’ – World Affairs Report

‘The best single reference book on international scholarship.’ – The Times Literary Supplement

‘The World of Learning should be made available in every library, in every country.’ – Middle East Business Review

‘This is by far the best international directory on the subject.’ – American Reference Books Annual

About the Author

Europa publications have long been regarded as premier reference resources, providing authoritative political and economic data for every country and region of the world, biographical profiles of the most influential global figures in every field, including politics, science, business, academia, the arts and the media, and unrivalled access to information on universities, libraries and other academic institutions world-wide.

Available in print and online, Europa's principal titles, The Europa World Year Book, The Europa Regional Surveys of the World, The International Who's Who and The Europa World of Learning, serve the contemporary research needs of students, academics and information-seekers in specialist and general reference libraries, government offices and commercial institutions in every country.

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

[O316.Ebook] PDF Ebook Electric Drives, Second Edition (Electric Power Engineering), by Ion Boldea, Syed A. Nasar

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Electric Drives, Second Edition (Electric Power Engineering), by Ion Boldea, Syed A. Nasar

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Electric Drives, Second Edition (Electric Power Engineering), by Ion Boldea, Syed A. Nasar

Electric drives are everywhere, and with the looming promise of electric vehicles and renewable energy, they will become more complex and the demands on their capabilities will continue to increase. To keep up with these trends, students require hands-on knowledge and a keen understanding of the subtleties involved in the operation of modern electric drives. The best-selling first edition of Electric Drives provided such an understanding, and this Second Edition offers the same approach with up-to-date coverage of all major types of electric drives, both constant and variable speed.

This book provides a self-contained treatment of low-, medium-, and large-power drives illustrated by numerous application examples, problems, digital simulation results, and test results for both steady state and dynamic operation. This edition features updated material in every chapter, including references; new material on AC brush series motors, capacitor-split inductor motors, single-phase PMSMs and switched reluctance motors, and tooth-wound PMSMs, all with numerical examples; new case studies on AC synchronous and induction motors; and a new chapter on control of electric generators. The companion CD-ROM features the full text, class slides for instructors, and MATLAB� simulations of 10 closed-loop drives, two of which are new to this edition.

With a practical, hands-on approach, Electric Drives, Second Edition is the ideal textbook to help students design, simulate, build, and test modern electric drives, from simple to complex.

  • Sales Rank: #1408050 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: CRC Press
  • Published on: 2005-08-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 6.50" w x 1.50" l, 1.98 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 544 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Boldea; Ion Polytechnical Institute, Timisoara, Romania,Nasar; Syed A. University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA,

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